Stakes high for Asia's air industry

  • 9 years ago
As the search for the missing AirAsia flight near Indonesia continues, markets are worrying about the airline.

An early fall in the share price of the group in Kuala Lumpur a predictable result of losing an aircraft with 162 people on board.

The latest suggestion - that flight QZ8501 could be at the bottom of the sea - puts the safety of Asian flights under scrutiny.

AirAsia CEO Tony Fernandes.

SOUNDBITE: AirAsia CEO, Tony Fernandes, saying (English):

"No one can guarantee that their airline is 100 percent safe, but I think in 13 years, we have carried 220 million people and, until today, we have never lost a life."

This is the first major accident for AirAsia since its budget operations began in 2002.

In that time the airline has rapidly expanded - starting with just two aircraft and now counting around 80 in its fleet.

It's also the latest in a disastrous year for Malaysia-affiliated airlines.

Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 went m
