Sahil Khan A GAY - Ex-wife Negar Khan

  • 10 years ago
The shocking revelation that Sahil Khan was gay came to us when his alleged lover Ayesha Shroff broke the news to us!
But the rumor mills have a different story grinding!
It was not only Ayesha that suspected he was gay, but his former wife Negar Khan too! Oops.
Apparently, back in 2005 Sahil joined Negar for a film shoot in Bangkok and he thought she’d be busy at work the entire day. But when Negar turned up home early, she caught her homosexual husband cheating on her with…another man! Yikees!
But why are these stories popping out now?
Well a spokesperson of Ayesha reveals that Sahil owed Ayesha money and now that she wants it back. He is simply trying to sidetrack the main issue by bringing up all these filthy counter allegations.
