Karen Lambie w' Blue Star

  • 10 years ago
Karen Lambie, Ph.D. in Educational Psychology, Ambassador of Hope through Shared Hope International Ambassadors.

I taught for 32 years at both the elementary and university levels, have been a foster parent for 13 years and volunteer for my county's chapter of Prevent Child Abuse Georgia. I serve on the Board of Directors for Savannah Working Against Human Trafficking and I am on the Board of Advisors for the Center for Disadvantaged Girls through the Malkia Foundation in Kenya.

I knew before I retired from teaching that I wanted to dedicate the rest of my life to speaking out against child abuse and other violations of human rights. I became involved in an online community, A Safe World for Women, which is dedicated to women's issues and rights.

It was information on human trafficking from this community that I became aware of the fact that human trafficking is rampant in the United States. I knew it occurred in other places, far off places, but I did not know how bad it was in this country and did not realize how prevalent it still is throughout the world. I began reading. I read books written by rescued victims; I read articles; I listened to podcasts; I went to a screening of the movie, "Nefarious: Merchant of Souls."

The deeper I got into the subject matter, the stronger I felt a "calling" to bring this heinous crime into the consciousness of the public. My purpose is not only to raise awareness about human trafficking but to impart information that could possibly be life saving for a child or young person.

Visit me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/Karen.AmbassadorofHope
Laurin Crosson, a sex trafficking survivor at rockstarrministries.com. or at www.facebook.com/RockstarrMinistries
