• 10 years ago
1 Broad-er than the ocean wide, Stronger than its high-est tide,
Deeper than its measuring rod, Are the prom-is-es of God.

They are sure……. if you only believe, They are sure……. if you only believe,
They are sure……. if you only believe, God’s promises are sure.

2 Firm-er then the moun-tain high, Higher than the dis-tant sky,
Tho the earth should pass a-way, Yet God’s Prom-is-es will stay.


3 When the world is wrapped in flame, And the Judge his own shall name
When the Judgement day is pass, Yet God’s Prom-is-es will last.


4 While e-ter-nal years roll on, Thro the “a-ges yet to come,”
Still God’s prom-is-es are true, And we’ll find them ever new.

Chorus x 2
They are sure……. if you only believe, They are sure……. if you only believe,
They are sure……. if you only believe, God’s promises are sure.

