Ragnarok "Var Glad Var Dag"1979 Swedish Prog Jazz Fusion

John Dug

με John Dug

7 προβολές
Ragnarök "Fjärilar I Magen"1979 Second Album Sweden Prog Jazz Fusion.

watch first & second albums


Ragnarok's (from Sweden) second album is an interesting mix of the dreaminess of their first album with decidedly more prog-rock elements. I'm not sure about the "folk" prog label though. I think it works very well and is as impressive as their highly regarded debut. The music alternates between the softer beautiful moments like their first album and these rocking melodic moments and does not sound dated at all. Tracks change, build, evolve always to pleasing new places. Playing is top notch and sound is great. Here's a quick summary of the songs:
The short intro Adrenalin begins nothing like their debut, it is a BIG rock sound with chunky guitar. Track two Forsta begins with lovely solo piano and slowly builds with great bass and guitar atmospheres. There is definite playfulness and gorgeous melody. The third track Osten goes back to being quiet and spacey not unlike a mellower Oldfield moment and towards the end sounds a little like an instrumental interlude from The Wall. Next is Var Glad starting again very soft before the band kicks in with luscious guitar leads and some sax, very rocking! Then comes the 8 minute Blamolnfolket starting soft and moody again, floating through acoustic guitar, flute, and bass. Then a distant sax is layered atop. Around the five minute mark enters drums and ominous guitar before the flute comes back to close the song peacefully. Nice track! Next is Brushanespel which features echoed loop guitar with some bongo percussion. The album closes with the longest song Vattenytor at 8.5 minutes. This track summarizes other parts of the album before closing with a minute or two of running water, an interesting way to end.

Line-up / Musicians
- Peter Bryngelsson / guitars
- Peder Nabo / piano, flute, pecussion
- Dan Söderqvist / guitar
- Thomas Wiegert / drums, percussion
- Kjell Karlgren / sax