Ferguson protests spread to Seattle mall, disrupt Oakland rail

  • 10 years ago
The unrest in Ferguson, Missouri may have simmered down but it was anything but quiet on the West Coast on Friday.

Protesters angry over the Ferguson grand jury decision tried to occupy this and other malls in downtown Seattle, chanting the slogan that gained so much traction after the August shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown.


Five people were arrested in the Seattle unrest.

All week, protesters have vented their anger over a Grand Jury's decision on Monday not to indict the white police officer responsible for shooting Brown.

But on Friday, those protests merged with separate worker's rights demonstrations targeting Black Friday sales.

In Oakland, about 20 protesters chained themselves onto this BART train station and briefly disrupted rail service.


"We want justice for Mike brown. This is uncomfortable for me to take this action but we need to take radical actio