《变形计》 X-change:忧郁美男子杨桐自杀求关注-Yang Tong Commit Suicide Raise Attention【湖南卫视官方版1080P】20141124

  • 10年前
【湖南卫视《变形计》- 20141124 本期精彩】 他们来自繁华都市,狂傲自大,用叛逆反抗书写着自己的草样年华。 3+1人物互换,三个城市“魔王”轮流空投藏区腹地,一个关于亲情、梦想、成长的抉择。 他们有备而来、意在侵略,第一个“反变形”联盟来势汹汹。 这是一次关于成长的蜕变,变形,突破启航!今晚22点《草样年华》。
Hunan TV's X-change 20141124 EP Highlight: They all come from glamorous cities. Rebellious is the adjective to describe their “Youth Memories”. 4 teenagers gather together to make decision between family, dream and growth. The three teenagers are seen as “devils”, which can be destructive. View the growth and X-change trip “Youth Memories” now.

Hunan TV “X-change” Season 10: Lin Zong De is a pessimistic teenager who likes to hang out at bars and shopping malls. Yang Tong’s worst enemy is his parents. Chen Zi Yuen is a free spirit person. “X-change” new series “Youth Memories” is released on November 24th at 10pm.

变形计是一档生活类角色互换纪实栏目,号称"新生态纪录片"。 更新时间:每周一 请锁定每周一晚上10点收看变形计第十季。
X-Change is a new lifestyle documentary that presents how grassroots exchange their identity and experience other’s life in the show.

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