UK's 'Bio-Bus' Is Powered By Human And Food Waste

  • 10 years ago
A so-called ‘poo bus’ is now up and running in the United Kingdom. Officially named the ‘Bio-Bus’, it is powered entirely by both waste from food and humans.

A so-called ‘poo bus’ is now up and running in the United Kingdom. Officially named the ‘Bio-Bus’, it is powered entirely by both waste from food and humans.

The large vehicle can travel a little under 200 miles on only one tank of fuel, which equates to the yearly waste from five people. The first 40-seat ‘Bio-Bus’ hit the streets on Thursday.

The biomethane gas used to power the shuttle is produced at Bristol sewage treatment works, which is run by the company called GENeco. The unusual fuel produces less emissions than engines powered by diesel and it is sustainable.

Said the general manager of GENeco “The actually powered by people living in the local area, including quite possibly those on the bus itself.”

The goal behind the bus is to improve air quality and to be an inspiration of sorts that will hopefully prompt other forms of public transportation to utilize the sustainable gas in the future.

Tour operator, Bath Bus Company controls the shuttle, which transports individuals between Bristol Airport and the center of Bath. An estimated 10,000 people are expected to travel on the ‘poo bus’ each month.
