Cleveland police face inquiry after 12-year-old boy fatally shot

  • 10 years ago
A 12-year-old boy has died after being shot by US police for brandishing what turned out to be a fake gun at a recreation centre in Cleveland.

The victim has been identified as Tamir Rice. Police say he was shot twice after failing to respond to an order to raise his hands.

The incident has already led to calls for fake guns to be tightly controlled with one local lawmaker wanting them now to be brightly coloured.

It comes as people in Ferguson await a grand jury decision on whether a white policeman should be charged in the Michael Brown killing this summer.

The St. Louis suburb has become a flashpoint for US race relations since the 18-year-old was shot dead. In anticipation of the announcement Missouri has declared a state of emergency and called in National Guard troops to back up police, which protesters have criticised as heavy-handed.
