Financial Genius - Trading Wizard - Get Rich With Subliminal Messages

  • 10 years ago
Embed your brain with powerful beliefs of wealth. Unleash your prosperity potential with hypnosis. Generate more money than you know what to do with. Blast away all debt with simple thought. For more mind tools, please visit

Subliminal Messages:

I am a financial wizard

I am a financial genius

I easily operate on the stock market

I easily operate on the currency markets

I am a genius investor

I am a genius speculator

I make millions with my mind

I trade like a seasoned pro

I learn the ins and outs of all financial markets

I make money in all my investments

my finances are in perfect shape

I obliterate debt at will

I have massive amounts of money

wealth flows to me like water

I easily make tons of money in all areas of life

I have the magic money touch

my thought alone creates huge piles of cash

money loves me

money craves me

money worships me

money follows me everywhere

You are a financial wizard

You are a financial genius

You easily operate on the stock market

You easily operate on the currency markets

You are a genius investor

You are a genius speculator

You make millions with your mind

You trade like a seasoned pro

You learn the ins and outs of all financial markets

You make money in all your investments

your finances are in perfect shape

You obliterate debt at will

You have massive amounts of money

wealth flows to you like water

You easily make tons of money in all areas of life

You have the magic money touch

your thought alone creates huge piles of cash

money loves you

money craves you

money worships you

money follows you everywhere