Response to Israeli journalist Hana Levi Julian’s question of whether the Muslim Brotherhood would join ISIL

  • 10 yıl önce
Presenter: The Israeli lady journalist Hana Levi says:  A few days ago there was a report that Da'ash (ISIS) has declared a caliphate in the Sinai Peninsula. There has been discussion among various people about it and one of the questions being examined is what kind of connection there is between ISIS and the Muslim Brotherhood, if one exists at all -- and whether in fact the two groups are in essence the same, at the bottom line. It's a question that requires an informed, professional and academic answer from someone deeply knowledgable and grounded in the faith, so I turn to Mr. Oktar for this. 

Adnan Oktar: The Muslim Brotherhood will probably cross over to the ISIL philosophy quite soon, their logic will lead them to that. I mean, they will think there is no solution other than violence, because the Sunni evidence, the evidence they have, will lead them in that direction. I think they will probably adopt the same line as ISIL by forging ties with organizations such as the Ansar Bait-al Maqdis. Because the Brotherhood are at the root of ISIL, anyway. It looks like savagery and violence are going to increase still further. The Brotherhood in Egypt could soon come entirely under ISIL control, especially next year. And they can cause rivers of blood. Hamas may also join ISIL, that is how it looks. But no harm will come to Israel, let me say that quite clearly. Israel will be preserved. But they must cling tightly to the Torah. They must ask God  for the coming of the Mahdi, for the coming of Moshiach. They can come together en masse one day, when security is established, 100,000 or 150,000 people and ask Allah for Moshiach. They must be scrupulously devoted to the Torah. No harm will befall Israel. But there will be a chain of recruitment to ISIL, I can say that. They will join. Very few groups in the Islamic world will not join. But no harm will befall Israel.

Aylin Kocaman: You have spoken of two countries, Adnan Bey; Turkey and Israel. You have said that ISIL will make great advances, that it will move past Jordan. But you say it will not touch these two countries.

Adnan Oktar: Yes, these two countries will be preserved. Look, there are supposed to be Jews in Israel in the time of the Mahdi. The hadiths say there will be many of them, that they will be the majority. They say there will be Christians. That would not be the case if ISIL were to occupy it. There would be no Christians or Jews then. Jews, Muslims and Christians will assemble together in Jerusalem. He says the bell ringers will ring the Christian bells. The Jews have a trumpet they blow, as you know. He says that will be heard. And he says that a call to prayer will be heard from the Muslims. And he says they will all gather there. The hadith does not refer to any occupation there. It will be a Quranic environment. The Ark of the Covenant will be brought in. So there is no question of that.

There is no question of occupation of Istanbul, either. Istanbul is an abode of peace. Istanbul will be conquered with knowledge and purity, with reason and culture. That is what the hadith says. Moving on to the roots of the Brotherhood, the Brotherhood is at the roots of al-Qaeda and Hamas. The brotherhood fed them both. They came from there. It seems that the Brotherhood will turn back to them. But nobody need be alarmed. No harm will befall Turkey or Israel. But we can see from hadiths there will be much bloodshed in the region in 2015, by the law of Allah. Moshiach, the Mahdi, will appear in around 2019, and life will be easier for Israel,  Turkey and the Islamic world. A great joy will enfold the world, an amazing joy. Even the dead will wish to be there, says our Prophet. Even the dead in the grave will wish to be there. 


