Harassing a girl in Public (SOCIAL EXPERIMENT) - What Would You Do

  • 10 years ago
According to an article in the Health and Human Rights Journal, regardless of many years of advocacy and involvement of many feminist activist organizations, the issue of violence against women still "remains one of the most pervasive forms of human rights violations worldwide." The violence against women can occur in both public and private spheres of life and at any time of their life span. Many women are terrified by these threats of violence and this essentially has an impact on their lives that they are impeded to exercise their human rights, for instance, the fear for contribution to the development of their communities socially, economically and politically. Apart from that, the causes that trigger 'VAW' or 'gender-based violence' can go beyond just the issue of gender and into the issues of age, class, culture, ethnicity, religion, sexual orientation and specific geographical area of their origins.

It is recorded that every 22 minutes, a case of rape is reported in India.

We decided to try this social experiment out since it is very relevant to our society, and we were hoping to inspire some people to act upon situations like this if they come across one.

If you see something, do something.