Preservation and Building at the VISION House at Mariposa Meadows

  • 10 years ago
ANY EXPERIENCED BUILDER can relate to the assertion that every job site requires a part- to full-time traffic cop. At our current location we have over 120 acres and still have no place to park. Construction simply requires a heck of a lot of space. And after more than 30 years in the business, I continue to find myself having to fill that role.

In our case, the only roadway through the property is a county-maintained dirt road that is under the jurisdiction of the U. S. Forest Service, so the point at which the edge of the right-of-way ends and our private holding begins is uncertain at best. Once off the established road, we immediately revert to undisturbed high mountain meadows, evergreen forests, aspen groves and the riparian zone that borders the stream. And since we are committed to preserving every square foot we possibly can, keeping all that activity on areas that are already disturbed—as well as co-existing with public traffic—often has the feel of a full-time occupation.

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