• 11 years ago
A care home for elderly has brought in some very special helpers – 3 sensitive and sweet alpacas.

One resident described the loving nature of the gentle beasts.

SOT, Hildegard Winkler, Elderly Home Resident: "They are full of love, the alpacas, and they really look for love from humans."

The alpacas pay regular visits to the residents of Mana Wedell Tagesfliege and are warmly accepted.

Residents can pet alpacas, watch TV together, and just hang out with the furry creatures, even letting the alpacas eat from their hands, before the hard working animals make their next house call.

The alpaca handlers lead the calm critters around the care home, even riding the elevator with the alpacas from floor to floor.

Frau Hormann, the care home manager, was inspired to integrate alpacas into the care home operations after she saw the loving animals being used for therapy on TV.

SOT, Frau Hormann, Elderly Home Manager: "I saw an alpaca in an animal show on TV, and I was totally excited, so I did some more research about it and found out that they are often used as therapy animals, as they are very empathetic, as empathetic as dolphins. They are very good at adjusting themselves to humans and react very sensitively."

Closely related to llamas, alpacas are domesticated camelids of the Suri breed and come from Peru.

When the alpacas are finished with their daily visits, they travel back to their enclosure, which is outside in the garden, for a well-deserved rest after a hard day’s work.

