ça tombe bien, j'avais vraiment envie de monter en haut du mât !

  • 10 years ago
SAFRAN Route du Rhum 2014 Marc Guillemot


00:14On Board SAFRAN, still in third place
00:18Suffering a bit of all the technical problems... but I am not the only one...
00:23Should I feel better about it? Not so sure...
00:27Anyhow... we are getting into downwind sailing tonight
00:34And before I can use the whole power of the boat, I have to climb to the mast head.
00:40To remove a loop of the spinaker halyard which unhooked itself from the bottom...
00:45... in the Bay of Biscay...
00:49So it flew around and tangled itself around the top of the mast.
00:56That's great! I really wanted to climb the mast....
01:00On top of that, it broke the VHF antenna and the AIS antenna...
01:05So the other ships can no longer identify me...
01:13So "Warning Level"... Amber!!
01:18You have to chose a color...
01:20See you!!!
