• il y a 11 ans
Site SEGA-Mag: http://www.sega-mag.com/
Version MP3: https://mega.co.nz/#fm/2oRmmZKS

Nouveau Volume de SEGA Radio avec comme musiques:

_Pressure (Phantasy Star 2: MegaDrive)
_Axel Hawk Theme (Fatal Fury 2 : MegaDrive)
_Mischief of the dwarf (Golden Axe: Revenge Of Death Adder: Arcade)
_Fortress Theme (Beyond Oasis/La légende de Thor: MegaDrive)
_WhirldWind Ultron (Captain América and the Avengers: MegaDrive)
_Title Music (Toughman Contest: MegaDrive)
_Advanced (Phantasy Star 2: MegaDrive)
_Green Theme (Golden Axe The Duel: Saturn)
_Galvanic Gear (Musha/Aleste: MegaDrive)
_Rise From Your Grave (Altered Beast: MegaDrive)
_1st Day theme (Burning Force: MegaDrive)
_Stone Age Suburbs (Chuck Rock 2: MegaDrive)
_Stage 3 Theme (Elemental Master: MegaDrive)
_Track 12 (Combat Cars: MegaDrive)
_Stage 5-2 music (The Steel Empire: MegaDrive)
