2004 Serbia & Montenegro (Final)

  • hace 17 años

Kada na te pomislim
Bojim se da te opet ne zavolim
U modre usne zarijem zube
Da pravu bol zaboravim.

Lane moje, ovih dana
Više i ne tugujem
Pitam samo dal’ si sama
Ljude koje ne èujem.

Lane moje, noæas kreni
Nije važno bilo s kim
Naði nekog nalik meni
Da te barem ne volim.

Da te više ne volim

Oh my fawn (1:1 translation)

When I think about you
I'm afraid I might fall for you again
I bite my bruised lips trying to forget the real pain

Oh my fawn, I even stopped grieving these days
I just ask the people whose words I can't hear
If you're still on your own
Oh my lassie, set off tonight
Go with who ever, doesn't matter
Find someone who reminds you of me
Then I'll try to stop loving you

Try to stop loving you