Katherine Perry - Death So Suddenly

  • 10 years ago
Oh dear God, i saw the doctor today
And i don't know what to do
And i don't know what to say

But he told me i didn't have long
To live the rest of my life
But i have to try and be strong
Tell my husband he'll soon be without
a wife

I never thought this would be
The thing that would change my life
And the news came so suddenly
I don't even have time to fight

Oh how i will miss my kids
and won't see my grandchildren grow
What do you do in a time like this
When your life has been taken from
you so abrupt

Should i just end it soon
Or wait, only to suffer
For my life is already ruined
And everyday only leads to the next
being tougher

So God i want to pray
But i'm afraid i don't know how
It's like everything i want to say
Has to be perfectly said right now

I just ask you to help me prepare
Prepare myself for what i'm about to
A life cut short
With no future instore
And death is a scary thing to await!

Katherine Perry
