The Concert / Le Concert (2009) - Trailer English Subs

  • il y a 10 ans
Directed by : Radu Mihaileanu
Produced by : Les Productions du Trésor
Genre: Fiction - Runtime: 2 h
French release: 04/11/2009
Production year: 2008

During the Brezhnev era, Andrei Filipov was the greatest conductor in the Soviet Union and he directed the famous Bolshoi Orchestra. But after refusing to abandon his Jewish musicians, including his best friend Sacha, he was fired at the height of his glory. Thirty years later, he is still working at the Bolshoi, but... as a cleaner.

One evening, when Andrei has stayed late to the polish the director's desk, he comes across a fax addressed to the Bolshoi management: it is an invitation from the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris for the orchestra to come and perform there. Suddenly, Andrei has a crazy idea: why not bring together his old musician friends, who now get by doing menial work, and take them to Paris, passing them off as the Bolshoi Orchestra? It is the long-awaited occasion for them to at last get their revenge.

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