Mouloud Achour, Kim Chapiron and Elsa Scetbon from French Television are the guests of Mr. Adnan Oktar

  • 10 yıl önce

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Nice to meet you.

ADNAN OKTAR: You've honored us. I’m very happy to have you here.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: We are very happy to be here too. 

ADNAN OKTAR: Can I get your names? What’s your name?

OKTAR BABUNA: Mr. Kim Bey. The director of the program, he is also the director of the program, and the owner. Mr. Mouloud Achour is a journalist.

ADNAN OKTAR: Kim must be from the Far East.

OKTAR BABUNA: Yes, from Vietnam.

ADNAN OKTAR: From Vietnam, masha’Allah. He has that look, and it suits him. What is your name? 

OKTAR BABUNA: Mr. Mouloud is of Algreria origin. He is Muslim. He is a prominent journalist. Mouloud Achour. He has his program in Channel Plus. He is the producer of the program Creek. He hosts popular guests for two years. This is the first time that he conducts an interview in a foreign country.

ADNAN OKTAR: It’s a pleasure to have you here. We are very glad. 

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Thank you. We are very happy too. We have lots of questions.

ADNAN OKTAR: Feel comfortable, as if this is your family.  There are no strangers here. I see a beautiful girl there. What is your name?


OKTAR BABUNA: Elsa is her asistant.

ADNAN OKTAR: You are a very beautiful lady, masha’ Allah. I hope you don't mind staying there. They are my guests. I don't think we’ll be able to talk to you like this. You are very sweet. Elsa, you have a beautiful face, beautiful eyes. 

OKTAR BABUNA: She is Jewish.

ADNAN OKTAR: She is a Jewish person? I love Jewish people. I always have Jewish guests here. Rabbis. Jewish people are beautiful people and she is the proof of that. OK, let’s start with the questions. Ask me a couple of questions.

ELSA: Thank you so much.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: I read lots of articles about you. And I would like to know what is right and what is wrong. I would like to know what it means to you to live in Turkey in 2014. 

ADNAN OKTAR: It’s a great blessing, an amazing beauty. I’m living in the most beautiful city in the world. I’m with the most beautiful people in the world. We are living in the most beautiful houses of the world. We have such nice guests. We are healthy. What else can we ask from God? Everything is great. May God increase it.

ADNAN OKTAR: We have faith in God. We love God.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Is it OK for Muslims all around the world to be in a place with beautiful girls and men like this?

ADNAN OKTAR: This is true Islam. [The other version] is an altered version. They turned it into a pagan system. They turned it into an oppressive system, a tyrannical system; a brutal system. Normally Islam is a perfect world of love, peace, and brotherhood.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Is it accepted by all the community? This version of Islam?

ADNAN OKTAR: Of course, it’s difficult for that to happen very quickly. Idolatry, this pagan spirit prevails in the Islamic world at the moment. That’s why they are beheading people, killing them, beating them. And Muslims are hurting so much all around the world. They are in great pain. But after this pain, salvation will come. King Moshiach, awaited by the Jews, is the same as Hazrat Mahdi (as) awaited by the Muslims. With the emergence of Moshiach, in other words Hazrat Mahdi (as), this tyranny will come to an end in the coming years.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Is everybody Muslim here? Can you raise your hand if you are a Muslim? Because in France, when we see a girl, like you and you, we can’t say she is a Muslim because all the Muslims wear [headscarves]. 

ADNAN OKTAR: It’s only recently that the Muslim world has started to shed this idolater soul. This will be more prominent in the coming years because we all saw that such a Muslim model always gives rise to the frame mind of ISIS. In other words, their (idolaters) ultimate destination is ISIS. This shows them that their ways are wrong. In the coming years, people will think and see that this is the right way and accept the truth.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Does he think that the new modernity of Islam will break the complex? The physical complex?

ADNAN OKTAR: This is not done to counter anything.  This is Islam itself. This is real Islam. God wants people to be happy, peaceful, loving, and healthy. God wants women to be happy, men to be happy. This is what the real Islam is. Therefore there is no intention of countering anything. This is only showing the truth.

MOULOUD ACHOUR: Is plastic surgery OK?

ADNAN OKTAR: Plastic surgery can be done only if it is very necessary. For example, if one has a crooked nose, he can get it fixed. He might have lost his ear, and get it done. His skin might have been burnt, he can get it fixed. So it can be done to be more beautiful. For example, if one lost his hair, he can wear a wig or get hair implants. Of course ,all of these things can be done to make people more beautiful.