British band The Defiled play first ever iceberg gig

  • 10 years ago
British metal band The Defiled have become the first band ever to play a gig on top of an iceberg.

The band certainly didn't have cold feet about doing the performance, flying in from Iceland to Greenland in a typical rock star manner to perform in the Greenland Sea. However, it did make them take stock of how they perform.

SOUNDBITE lead vocals and guitarist, Stitch D, saying (English)

"Normally I kind of close my eyes when I sing. I didn't realise it until I was on an iceberg. There was a point when I opened my eyes while singing then just suddenly looking out and seeing 'oh wow! we're on an actual iceberg."

The gig was held as part of a Jagermeister sponsored event, Ice Cold Gig, which sees artists perform in sub-zero temperatures.