WHO outlines Ebola support to countries in Africa

  • 10 years ago
Spain has seen more alerts over Ebola.

In Madrid three more people were rushed to the Carlos III hospital displaying possible symptoms.

An Air France plane was grounded for disinfection after a passenger arrived from Nigeria via Paris feeling unwell.

A missionary who had come from Liberia, and a person who had been in contact with an infected nurse, have also been hospitalised.

Another suspected case was reported in Tenerife.

In Geneva the World Health Organisation (WHO) outlined plans to make African countries better prepared.

Its action plan for Africa includes more rapid response teams, training, equipment and work with communities.

“We right now have 14 countries in our list of priority countries. How have they been chosen? They’ve been chosen because they have either land borders with the affected countries. We’re talking about Guinea Bissau, Senegal, Mali and Côte d’Ivoire,” said Isabelle Nuttall, director of the WHO’s Global Alert and Response team.

Other countries had to be prepared too, she said, listing nations as far apart as Togo and South Sudan.

“We recognise it (Ebola) could travel elsewhere such as in the US and Spain where it already has actually,” she added.

Earlier the WHO said a major outbreak in the West was unlikely given the strength of health systems.

Overall cases are doubling every four weeks, with the number reported in West Africa dwarfing those elsewhere.

According to the WHO, the number of confirmed cases worldwide is expected to reach 9,000, including 4,500 deaths.


