Culcha Candela ~ Schöne Neue Welt

  • 10 years ago
Culcha Candela: Schöne Neue Welt, 2009

English lyrics:
The world goes down but we party
Everything's down but we jump as if we were part of Dalli Dalli [TV-Show]
Everyone says it, the climate is a huge catastrophe
But soon we only need bikini and bathers
I want to eat more fastfood, who really needs the rainforest
As long as there's money on my account and air for me to live
Everybody's in a really good mood, nobody needs to fear anymore
Nobody gets ill anymore because we've already got all kinds of illnesses
And if the powerhouse is blown up everyone starts to glow

Hey ... welcome, welcome
In our beautiful new world
From today nothing stays as it was, everything's turned upside down
Welcome, welcome
In our beautiful new world
What will be tomorrow, is of no importance, we celebrate until everything falls to pieces

Everywhere cameras, what a huge show
No matter who's got my information, I have my own video
Thanks to the surveillance state I can sleep calmly now
Everyone has a chip in his head, lies in bed counting sheep
All are happy, got their botox-smile on their face
Aspirated fat and it's gone, the nose is also in the perfect place now
We can do so much with our life, even for small money
Breast bigger, stomach smaller - beautiful like spick and span
Aligned in rank and file, cheers for our good world
We're feeling great, all just lies what the newspaper says
I protect the climate with my car, it drives with heat-trapping gas
So much for oil ends! They just lie, those oil states
There's enough if even ducks already bath in oil
The earth is getting crowded and it's always happening faster
Never mind, luckily we've got a second world in our cellar
Why agonize, it could be so easy
Let's just spend our time with computer games
Welcome to jubilation, excitement, hilarity...
Welcome reprise...