Source tells news agency that North Korean leader is "still in firm control"

  • 10 years ago
Normally his every move is covered on state television, but for more than a month there have been no images of Kim Jong Un in public.

There is growing speculation about the health of the North Korean leader, and whether he still has a strong grip on power.

He has also been absent from coverage today of the anniversary of the founding of the country’s Workers’ Party.

However, a source said to have access to the leadership has told the Reuters news agency that Kim Jong Un is in “firm control” of his government but hurt his leg while inspecting military exercises.

South Korea’s Unification Ministry also says it believes Kim remains in charge, citing a message conveyed  through a recent delegation and regular updates it gets on his leadership.

Speculation about Kim grew after a North Korean television programme last month reported that he was suffering from “discomfort”.

He has reportedly gained a lot of weight since taking over the leadership in 2011.
