"What truce?" say residents of Donetsk where battles continue to rage

  • 10 years ago
A ceasefire may still be officially in place in eastern Ukraine, but try telling that to the owners of burning homes in Donetsk.

Battles are raging unabated between Ukrainian forces and separatist fighters, mainly around the city’s airport.

And nearby neighbourhoods are often caught in the crossfire.

Resident Valentina Kovaleva told reporters: “All the balconies were damaged by shrapnel, everything burning.

“Can you imagine, if we hadn’t sent away the children, they would be dead now. Every day there is shooting. Every day there is crying.”

More than 3,500 people have been killed since fighting began between pro-Russian separatists and government troops.

Raisa Kozlova, a 75 year-old Donetsk resident injured by shelling, said: “What truce? You call that a truce? They might make agreements and talks, but it changes nothing. We’re still being bombed.”

Diplomatic efforts continue to try to keep the fragile ceasefire together, with the US sending a top official for talks in Kiev.

At least 80 fighters and civilians have been killed since the truce was announced a month ago.


