Extra time in Brazil's presidential election

  • 10 years ago
Brazil’s presidential race looks set for a second round after Dilma Rousseff failed to gain an outright majority in Sunday’s first round of voting.

The incumbent picked up 42 percent of the vote and will face centre-right rival Aecio Neves, who garnered 34 percent, in the run off.

The gloves are now off ahead of the October 26 ballot as both candidates look to persuade supporters of green leaning Marina Silva to vote for them.

The former environment minister polled a significant 21 percent of the vote and though out of the race she may well hold the balance of power.

The former favourite is due to meet with others to discuss which candidate to endorse.

Silva spoke with pride after the vote:“At this moment, I am not here as a beaten candidate, but as someone who believes and is still standing because we did not sacrifice principal for votes.”

The country now has a clear choice between the business friendly Neves and the ‘soft Socialism’ of Rousseff.

Over the past two years Brazil has been hit by recession and protests over the poor state of the country’s infrastructure and the expense involved in hosting the World Cup.