6-year-old girl shot - mom tells contradicting stories

  • 10 years ago
SAN ANTONIO - There are contradicting stories coming from the mother of a 6-year-old girl who was the victim of an apparent accidental shooting.

Jennifer Don Juan first told police she was holding a gun for someone.

A police report released in the wake of the shooting reveals that Don Juan said she was aware that the gun was in the home and that a friend asked her to hold it for them earlier in the day.

But at a vigil held in her daughter's honor Tuesday night, Don Juan told yet a different story.

"I am not a gun owner, I do not know how it got there. There was somebody who did break into my house, and I do not know who," said Don Juan.

Over the weekend, her daughter, Jennilynn Montana, found the gun and was accidentally shot. San Antonio police have not said whether the gunshot was self-inflicted.

So far, no charges have been filed against Jennilynn's mother.

A Child Protective Services spokesperson said on Wednesday that CPS representatives have been called to the home on five occasions. Four of those times, the calls were "unfounded," but on the fifth, they could not determine if the allegations made were true. The spokesperson said CPS representatives did determine there was a risk present during the fifth visit and therefore began services.

The spokesperson said all the calls were related to neglect.

As for the child's 8-year-old sister, the CPS spokesperson said she has been placed in a safe, temporary home and will remain there until the investigation is complete.