Leftist parties need to adopt a policy that stands up for the right.

  • 10 yıl önce
Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated September 06,07th, 2014

In my view, Kemal Kilicdaroğlu (the leader of Turkey’s main opposition party, the CHP) is following a good line, but there is no need for him to use the language of the left. But in my opinion, the CHP is using this language because it is reluctant to lose large numbers of intellectuals and artists. The right has never attracted many artists. It also has fewer intellectuals than the left. The CHP wants to keep the left’s artists and intellectuals. What Kılıçdaroğlu needs to say is; ‘All right, I go along with your views, your libertarianism and your revolutionary identity. But the grass roots in Turkey are on the right. The CHP needs to adopt right-wing language in order to come to power. It can only come to power with right-wing thinking. If the CHP comes to power I will maintain and support all the excellent ideas of the left CHP. You will not encounter any problems. I will support art and science right to the hilt. I will support libertarianism, and intellectual and progressive thinking. But let us join with the right for now.” He needs to tell the Turkish nation that. Otherwise the CHP cannot come to power with left discourse.

Let the CHP keep sliding to the right. That is not an insult to the CHP, but a source of honor and superiority. It is not disparaging to a leftist to say he is slipping to the right. That means you are embracing the reality in Turkey. It means you are embracing the Turkish nation. A leftist advocating right-wing views is actually the ideal thing. Because that means you will support women’s rights to the end and we will see women in at every aspect of social life. The CHP should move as far as possible to the right, but should also stress the progressive elements on the left. In other words, its nucleus should be on the left, but oriented to the right. Otherwise it can never come to power. There can never be a government holding communist views, because there is no grass roots support.

-  Teacher Adnan, you have annihilated Marxist thinking not just in Turkey but in the whole world. That is why the left cannot come to power anywhere. Policies have moved to the center-right everywhere, not just in Turkey.

Adnan Oktar: After your scientifically demolishing [the base idea of] France (with the Atlas of Creation), the left died all over Europe. That was also reflected in Turkey, and the left was immobilized there. Let us prepare a kind of report for the CHP leader suggesting that logic. If they ever want to achieve power, of course! 

For example, we see ladies gave a fine violin recital at the CHP congress. There are ladies with loose clothing and well-groomed ladies among them. Respect for women and increasing the number of women politics must be one important aspect of the CHP. The CHP should be half made up of women. Half its deputies should be women. It must also value artists. Let there be music and art and dancing and liberty. A right shaped by the left would be really perfect! The intellectual and humane aspect of the left needs to be combined with the religious aspect of the right. 

A free CHP warmed and beautified by the right, given color by the left, that advocates women’s rights, art, music, beauty, sculpture, painting and everything needs to stand up with a loud noise. They cannot succeed otherwise.

-  Mr. Kilicdaroglu said in his address that he respects everyone, no matter what their beliefs. He said they say he likes rightists but not leftists, but that he likes everyone, irrespective of whether they are left or right.  He said he likes everyone who worships in synagogues or churches or mosques, because when they come to power they will serve the right as well as the left. He used a language inclusive of everyone.

Adnan Oktar: The CHP should come to power with the right! It should also watch over the left though. There is no other way. The leftist intellectuals also need to be a bit more understanding. They should not make such a fuss.

The right is Turkey’s warmth. What good can it do to the CHP to deprive people of their happiness by frightening them?

People must be happy. And our people are made happy by spiritual things. The left can bring its art, freedoms, warmth and humaneness. That would be a perfect administration.

- What you are suggesting is really the line adopted by Ataturk. A devout line that espouses Turkish-Islamic Union, one that also respects Bediuzzaman.

Adnan Oktar:  Bediüzzaman Sayyid Nursi was the person who best represented oppressed Muslims.  If they stand up for Bediuzzaman, no Muslim will be oppressed in Turkey, either. No members of any sector congregation will be oppressed. But if Bediuzzaman is wronged, they will all be wronged. The symbolic sense is very important.  What did Erdoğan do? He gathered all the followers of Sayyid Nursi and h
