HK protesters fear new police push

  • 10 years ago
Thousands of pro-democracy protesters spent another night sleeping on Hong Kong's normally busy roads, extending their blockade.

Riot police withdrew on Monday after a weekend of clashes.

But as the protesters prepared to press home their demands for another day on Tuesday there were fears that could change.

Some suspect there could be a push by police to clear the roads before Chinese National Day on October 1st.


"I think this is the government's strategy. They used tear gas two days ago. If they'd used it again yesterday or today it would stir up a lot of talk internationally. The pressure on the government would be too great, so I think it makes sense that it was quiet yesterday."

Organisers say up to 80, 000 people took to the streets as the protests flared on Friday night.

There's no independent confirmation of the figures.

There's already been a demonstration in support of th
