Flying drone - BGE - With MouseActuator Blender 2.72

  • vor 10 Jahren
Here is a flying drone for the Blender Game Engine. Downloadlink: You only need your mouse to control this drone. Also i made a Python Script which controls the sound, the force and the rotor movement of the drone with only one property.

Before you open the blend file and press P to play,

make sure you have installed the new Blender 2.72, otherwise the mouse control will not work :(

The Release Notes:

For the controls of this drone I used the new Mouse Actuator which comes with Blender 2.72, it's perfect for flight controls :)

Blender 2.72 download:

Drone controls:

Mouse Move: Rotates the drone and moves the drone by force.

Left Mousebutton: Drives the drone by a Property.

This Property Affects the acceleration force, the rotational speed of the rotors, the volume and pitch of the sound effects while the Blender Game Engine is running.

Have fun with it :)