DEEVA's 360° stereo-based 3D perception system

  • 10 anni fa
DEEVA is VisLab's latest prototype that implements VisLab's innovative perception system based on multiple stereo vision systems for all-around 360-degree 3D vision.

This videoclip shows the first result of low level fusion of DEEVA's 11 stereo vision systems. Each stereo system, switched on at different times to appreciate their coverage, creates a 3D point cloud; each stereo system also processes this point cloud to create a 3D synthetic representation of the world around; all 3D representations are fused together to create a single representation that is then used by the vehicle to define its trajectory, and finally drive by itself.

DEEVA includes also other sensors (IBEO's laserscanners) but this video shows onny low level perception using cameras. High level fusion comes at a later stage.


