Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker Suite- Dance of the Reed Flutes

  • il y a 10 ans
Title : Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky , The Nutcracker Suite , Dance of the Reed Flutes

The Nutcracker Suite has become, with its sumptuous decor and its dazzling character dance numbers, the great classic of the festive season. No other scenic production succeeds as well in depicting the marvel of a childlike dream world. Everything becomes possible: toys come alive, flowers dance and princes transport girls to a happy-ever-after world in the clouds. The poetry is enchanting, but it is primarily Tchaikovsky's music which has helped the ballet conquer the public and stand the test of time. Moreover, the Nutcracker Suite -- the shortened orchestral version -- remains one of the most recorded works of the repertory and undoubtedly one of the most loved by the general public. Here are some reference points, the better to understand this uncontested success.

A short history of Russian ballet

The Russian Ballet tradition dates back to the seventeenth century. The Tsars Alexis Mikhailovich, Peter the Great and Catherine of Russia did much to encourage this artistic form. At the time, the ballet remained primarily entertainment for rich people, usually large landowners, going even so far as to make their serfs dance ballets during soirées.


