Zurich Paradeplatz Drone Air-View

  • vor 10 Jahren
http://www.swiss-banking-lawyers.com At Paradeplatz, Zurich, there is the centre of the Swiss private banking industry. 30% of all privately owned bankable assets are managed in Switzerland. Paradeplatz is the capital for asset management activities and services.

Along the Bahnhofstrasse and around Paradeplatz there are all prime banks involved in private banking. Despite the pressure on Swiss banking secrecy the Swiss banks are increasing their business with new arguments. The new USP (Unique Selling Proposition) is not anymore the Swiss banking secrecy but the Swiss neutrality and the Swiss political stability and continuity. Let me give you an example for continuity: During the holocaust investigation on Swiss bank accounts a very old bank account came on the surface: Lenin, the Russian dictator, has opened an account before the first worldwar. This account was discovered during the investigation. Lenin’s account has survived WWI and WWII and the Sowjet Union. This is the best publicity for the continuity and stability of the Swiss banking system.

This video was made with a drone. A quadrocopter Phantom 2 with Boscam LCD5802 Diveristy Monitor and a Gopro 3+ camera attached on the Gimbal of the copter. Our Phantom 2 has started from the roof of our office and registered Paradeplatz from this unique perspective. Due to the presence of wires for trams and electricity it is impossible to pilot the drone from the ground. To many interferences are disturbing the flight which can be dangerous in case the copter goes out of control because of too strong interferences. The unique way to make a video from the air is to start the flight with the copter from the roof of our offices which are located at Paradeplatz avoiding al the dangerous wires at 8 m over the Paradeplatz.

If you have an idea for a good Swiss banking topic which can illustrated and registered with drone videos, please do not hesitate to inform www.swiss-banking-lawyers.com . We are happy to convert your idea into reality by making a video related to Swiss banking topic.