Scottish voters who stayed home

  • 10 years ago
Sarah Chappell, euronews: “For more on this historic vote I’m joined by our correspondent Joanna Gill, who’s in the counting centre in Edinburgh. The No campaign has won out, during a dramatic night of declarations for Scotland. Turnout was huge, but the result is clear. How did the story unfold throughout the night?”

Joanna Gill, euronews: “Well, early on in the night there was an upset for the Yes campaign when Clackmannanshire County, which was deemed to be a safe place for the Yes vote, voted overwhelmingly No. Across in Glasgow, which had been expected to be a Yes vote, they did confirm that for Alex Salmond. Then later on Dundee also had a huge result, 57% in favour of independence, but across in Edinburgh there was an overwhelming No vote. Those numbers sealed the deal for the No campaign — for Scotland to remain part of the UK.”

Sarah Chappell, euronews: “The polls had the Yes and No camps almost neck and neck over the last few days. You have been covering this referendum for months in Scotland. How did the campaigns compare?”

Joanna Gill, euronews: “Well, overall it’s been quite interesting, especially last week when one poll showed the Yes camp actually in front. This was deemed to be partly due to the Yes campaign’s success, they seemed to have a more positive message, talking about a future that was very positive, and obviously the No campaign, being a ‘no’, was more negative, and they were accused of scaremongering and fear tactics, always talking about what would happen if Scotland were independent, that prices would rise, there would be a threat to the NHS (National Health Service). Equally, the Yes campaign efficiently campaigned against that. So, it has been neck and neck for the past week or so, but I think in the end that when people went to the polling stations and some 10% didn’t turn out, it was the undecideds who decided. This was an historic decision; they just couldn’t say Yes or No at the end.”

Sarah Chappell, euronews: “The result isn’t as close as many polls had been predicting, but it’s been clear throughout the campaign that the referendum has divided the country, communities and even families. How challenging will it be now for the nation to be reconciled?”

Joanna Gill, euronews: “Hopefully, it won’t be too challenging. There have been a few isolated incidents of nastiness, and I’m hearing on social media there have been a few nasty exchanges so far, but let’s hope this is just restricted to social media and won’t actually turn up on the ground. Last night I was at the Scottish parliament. There was a very happy atmosphere between the Yes and No, so hopefully that will carry on and the reconciliation after this will be easier. In the end, you have a situation where Scotland should be given more powers.”

Sarah Chappell, euronews: “All the main British parties have offered the Scots further devolved powers in efforts to keep the Union together, so can the Nationalists still claim something of a victory in this campaign?”

Joanna Gill, euronews: “The Nationalists are already claiming a victory in the numbers of the voter turnout. Alex Salmond, although admitting defeat, said that the main victory could be a victory for participative democracy. In the end, I don’t think we’ll be seeing too much trouble with the Devo-Max, this should go forward.”


