• il y a 10 ans
Because Jesus loves you he gave his life to save you from destruction, from perdition in Hell, from the prison of fire which no one can escape.

Because Jesus loves you he paid the price for your forgiveness and made it possible for you to be reconciled to God his father you had offended; the punishment that brought you peace was upon Jesus; Jesus consciously and voluntarily agreed to be indicted, to be tried unfairly and declared guilty in your place (while he was totally innocent), to be condemned and to suffer the punishment your sins deserved. Jesus took upon himself your sentence of death and eternal torment, he was sent to jail in your place, he had been condemned in your place, and deprived of the glory of God, deprived of the presence of God, deprived of communion with God.

Because Jesus loves you he gave you the power to become children of God, children of God by adoption, by saying yes to the adoption that God offers you, and becoming a child of God you become his heir, a prince God since your new father is a great and mighty King. So you become rich and powerful, you possess great power and authority as a prince in the kingdom of your Father, you acquire honor and glory and the magnificence of a prince. As a child, you will dwell in the house of your heavenly Father, of course, you will live with him in his holy city called "New Jerusalem", you will see him face to face in his heavenly palace, you will eat at his table, you 'll be dressed like a prince.
