• 10 years ago
Reverse Mortgage - http://wpdia.info/2revmort - Reverse Mortgage is a type of mortgage that lets you convert some of the equity in your home into cash without having to sell your home or pay additional monthly bills.

With Reverse Mortgage you receive money from the lender. This is possible because the loan gets paid when you die, sell your home, or when your home is no longer your primary residence.

In order to qualify for a Reverse Mortgage:

#You must be 62+.
#The home you are taking a Reverse Mortgage out on must be your primary residence.
#Your traditional morgage must be more than 50% paid o...

See the full article WHAT IS REVERSE MORTGAGE - http://www.whatispedia.info/business/whatis-reversemortgage.htm
this video can be found at: http://youtu.be/0oUVnRDS9Hk

reverse mortgage, what is reverse mortgage