USA: Apple nuts jump for joy over iPhone 6 news

  • 10 years ago
Video ID: 20140909-038

M/S Seated couple waiting in line
W/S Queue outside Apple store
M/S Queue outside Apple store
M/S Satellite truck outside Apple store
SOT. Apple enthusiast (in English): "It's going to be bigger, you're able to use your phone as a credit card instead of a regular credit card you can charge stuff with your phone; the camera, the colour, everything. I just love it."
C/U Woman, seated
W/S Street outside Apple store
SOT. Apple enthusiast (in English): "I mean it sounds cool."
SOT. Apple enthusiast (in English): "Yeah, it sounds really awesome actually: the thinner screen, the bigger screen."
M/S Queue
C/U MacBook Pro
M/S Queue

Eager Apple fans queued outside an Apple store in New York Tuesday, as the company announced a slew of new products including the much-anticipated iPhone6 and an Internet-connected Apple Watch.

Apple CEO Tim Cook announced the iPhone 6 and its larger version, the iPhone 6 Plus, at the Apple keynotes in Cupertino, California. The 4.7-inch (12-centimetre) and the 5.5-inch (14-centimetre) versions will be available for pre-order beginning September 12, with prices ranging from $199 (€154) to $499 (€386) with a contract. Besides the new iPhone, Apple also announced the brand’s first wearable device, the Apple Watch. Apple has said the watch will start at $349 (€270) and be available in early 2015. It will be able to connect to the iPhone 6 and older models including the iPhone 5.