Imam Huseyn & Erebin Sohbeti

  • 10 years ago
Al-Ḥusayn ibn ʿAlī ibn Abī Ṭālib (Arabic: الحسين بن علي بن أبي طالب‎‎; 11 or 13 January 626 CE – 13 October 680 CE) (3rd / 5th Sha'aban 4 AH – 10th Muharram 61 AH), sometimes spelled Hussein, was the son of Ali ibn Abi Ṭalib (fourth Rashidun Caliph of Sunni Islam, and first Imam of Shia Islam) and Fatimah Zahra (daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) and the younger brother of Hasan ibn Ali. Husayn is an important figure in Islam, as he is a member of the Ahl al-Bayt (the household of Muhammad) and Ahl al-Kisa, as well as being the third Shia Imam.

Husayn is highly regarded by Shia Muslims because he refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid I, the Umayyad caliph because he considered the rule of the Umayyads unjust. As a consequence, he left Medina, his home town, and traveled to Mecca. There, the people of Kufa sent letters to him, asking his help and pledging their allegiance to him. So he traveled toward Kufa. At Karbala his caravan was intercepted by Yazid's army. He was killed and beheaded in the Battle of Karbala in 680 (61 AH) by Shimr Ibn Thil-Jawshan, along with most of his family and companions. The annual memorial for him, his family, his children and his As'haab (companions) is called Ashura (tenth day of Muharram) and is a day of mourning for Shia Muslims.

The tragedy in Karbala has had an impact on religious conscience of Muslims beyond its sacredness among Shias. In the long term, the cruel killings at Karbala became an example of the brutality of the Umayyads and fueled the later Shia movements. Anger at Husayn's death was turned into a rallying cry that helped undermine and ultimately overthrow the Umayyad Caliphate;
The Third Imam, Husayn Ibn ‘Ali (as)

Second son of Fatima (sa) and ‘Ali (as) Husayn (as) was born on 3rd Shabaan, 4th year of Hijri (10.1.626 AD) When he was born the Holy Prophet was given the news of the birth of his 2nd grandson. He arrived at the house of his daughter, took the little baby in his arms, said the Azan and Iqamah in his ears.

People around the Prophet saw tears in his eyes. Fatimah asked what was the reason for this, he told her that this boy of hers will achieve martyrdom, but consoled her by adding that God will create a nation who will mourn Husayn till the Day of Judgement. Another famous saying of the Prophet at the same time became synonymous with the name of his grandson Husayn.

“Hussian-o-Minni wa Ana Minul Husayn”. Husayn is from me and I am from Husayn. One can explain this Hadith that Husayn, being the grand son of the Prophet was from him biologically. How a grandfather was from his grand son needs to be explained. Prophets of God speak spiritually rather than materially;