Kiss and tell Trierweiler book further blow to flagging Hollande

  • 10 years ago
It is the book that has had French tongues a-wagging even before the first copies went on sale – the real side of the French President, François Hollande, as recounted by his spurned former lover, Valerie Trierweiler.

The woman who swept into the Elysee palace along with her lover reportedly lays bare her feeling of ostracism by the Socialist power circle around Hollande, and rips into the man himself.

Now her magazine, Paris Match, has an exclusive, and 200,000 copies of her book will boost the journalist’s bank balance nicely. For Hollande and France it is a bombshell that has been kept under wraps.

“It was all very hush-hush, I only heard the book existed yesterday in a phone call from the publisher,” said one bookshop owner.

Hollande is reportedly vainer than his public image, and some unguarded comments may make this most unpopular of presidents squirm.
