Dunya News - America opposes 'change' through political violence:Jen Psaki

  • 10 years ago
In a press briefing, the United States Department of State ‎spokesperson Jen Psaki stated that America has been closely monitoring the current political crisis ‎in Pakistan, and added that the protesters have a constitutional right to protest but resorting to ‎violence is not justifiable at all.‎

Psaki reiterated her stance by strongly condemning political ‘change’ via violent acts of the ‎protesters, and said that the right to peaceful protest does not include the right to damage ‎property. She added that all the concerned parties should resolve the crisis through political ‎dialogue instead of resorting to violence.‎

The State Department spokesperson further said that the right to peaceful protest and the ‎freedom of expression is a democratically constitutional right but resorting to violence and ‎damaging state property is unacceptable, to end political clash.