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Excerpt from Mr. Adnan Oktar's Live Conversation on A9TV dated July 31th & 26th, 2014

Adnan Oktar:  Can they not stop launching rockets so we can establish peace and this horror can come to an end? What is the point? They are trying to escalate it every day! Let us establish peace so they can embrace one another. Let them announce that they are brothers. The two sides could even establish an army together. They should set up their own defense structures. Let us build the Temple of Solomon at once, and the lovely palace of the Prophet Solomon (pbuh). Then what should we do…?

Oktar Babuna: Let us climb to the Temple Mount.

Adnan Oktar: Let us climb to the Temple Mount. Look, the gate of Lot is closed. Let us get the rabbis to open it. Then let us get imams and the Pope, and the chief rabbi. Let us walk down from the Mount together, through the gate of Lot. That will be the end of the matter.

Oktar Babuna: Insha’Allah. Will the Prophet Jesus (pbuh) be there, too?

Adnan Oktar: We are waiting for him, otherwise we would long since have been there. It is no good without him, so we are waiting. If we have to wait too long, we will go there anyway. He will see and will hear and will have to come, insha’Allah. He will come to pray. He will come to pray at the Dome of the Rock. We will have to oblige him to come, otherwise he will not.

- When will he come?

Adnan Oktar: Let me explicitly state that Jesus will not come until Hazrat Mahdi makes Islam prevail the world. It is not possible. He will not come until the Christian world feels an intense love for Islam. He will not come until the Jewish world feels an intense love for Islam. The responsibility for that lies with the Mahdi, a man of love. He is now awaiting God’s command. It has nothing to do with his saying, ‘I have come.’ He will say, 'I was made to appear.’ God is now making things hard for the Islamic community. There is great pressure on them. Blood is flowing in Palestine, Libya, Egypt and everywhere. But it will flow much more than that! Blood will flow until the Mahdi tells it to stop!

That is what God desires. That is Almighty God’s command in destiny. We see the blood that has flowed before. It flowed even before the world was made. The angels above saw it and said, ‘The Lord will cause blood to flow. Do You create people in order to give them pain?’ Because God reveals mysteries to them. They know the entire past of the world. They see rivers of blood, particularly in the End Times, in the time of the Mahdi. Almighty God says, you cannot know, but I know. What do the angels not know? The appearance of the Mahdi, the appearance of Jesus the Messiah. They think there will just be bloodshed. Yet Almighty God will produce a light from that sea of blood. The Mahdi and Jesus the Messiah. Two brothers. We will see they closely resemble one another. That resemblance is another source of amazement. Their natures will also be very similar.

It is 2000 years since Jesus the Messiah ascended into the sky. The Mahdi has come 2000 years later, but they bear a remarkable resemblance to one another, in nature and appearance. Their meeting will be at the meeting of the two seas told in Surat al-Kahf. God also says that pearls and corals will appear where those two seas meet. That refers to Jesus the Messiah and the Mahdi. From where the two seas meet, says God. That is guarded language, but clear enough for those who wish to understand. The Qur’an is a sea of secrets.

Aylin Kocaman: Can we learn where the Prophet Jesus is?

Adnan Oktar: The location of Jesus the Messiah is a matter of which God is most jealous. He greatly loves Jesus the Messiah. The Roman soldiers climbed the stairs where Jesus was in order to crucify him. Had Almighty God so wished, they could have found him. They could have martyred Jesus the Messiah. He could have raised him into His Presence in that form. But He raised him directly into His Presence in the form of light. He raised him up in a living state, in the form of light. Now, in the End Times He is turning him into light and sending him back. His followers know that he is Jesus the Messiah. But his life is at risk at the moment. 

His return may drive some members of the Catholic Church completely crazy. It will drive members of the Vatican mafia crazy. It is something that will spur the Vatican mafia into action. Therefore, since his life is in danger God will conceal him until the last moment. But the Mahdi will create circumstances in which he commands the Islamic world and the Christian world also draws very close to Islam. 

Moshiach will descend from the Temple of the Mount. There will be rabbis there and Islamic scholars. The Pope will be there. The rabbi I spoke to (who visited from Israel) about this said the Pope will be there!

Oktar Babuna: Will that happen after the Ark of the Covenant?

Adnan Oktar: Yes, af


