• 10 years ago
For the second night running, it was relatively calm on the streets of Ferguson, as local clergy and civic leaders kept protests peaceful and orderly.

Police made isolated arrests, but nothing like the numbers of previous nights when police and protesters clashed amid volleys of tear gas.

The protests are the result of the fatal shooting of an unarmed black teen by a white police officer nearly two weeks ago.

And while the city may be calmer, officials say the police presence will not be scaled back just yet.


"We will assess the operational plan. And like I've been saying today and yesterday, I don't deal in what-ifs. I deal in what we have today. And today we have a good day. Today we have a good night. So let's enjoy the day and know that we're headed toward a sense of peace for our community."

And with that peace, the National Guard - deployed after several nigths of looting
