Beheading video followed prior threat

  • 10 years ago

GlobalPost CEO Phil Balboni said on Wednesday (August 20) the Islamic State video, that shows the beheading of journalist James Foley, came after a threat was made to the family last week.

"On Wednesday night of last week, the Foley family received an e-mail from the kidnappers that was full of rage against the United States for the bombing. And they stated that they would execute Jim," Balboni said.

"We communicated quickly -- or as quickly as we could -- with the captors, pleaded with them for mercy. Explained to them that Jim was an innocent journalist... had done no harm to the Syrian people and indeed cared deeply about them, and asked them to give us time to find another means. Sadly they showed no mercy to Jim."

The video prompted widespread horror that could push Western powers into further action against the group.

U.S. officials said on Wednesday that intelligence analysts had concluded that the Islamic State vid
