Shadow Warrior (PC Game)

  • 10 anni fa
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Shadow Warrior is a single-player first-person shooter where players take control of the modern ninja mercenary Lo Wang from a first-person perspective as he fights through levels of demonic hordes. Levels themselves are divided into chapters, each with Wang progressing through smaller stages to large open battle arenas that have side and hidden areas, occasionally allowing another route.
Wang is equipped with various firearms that require ammunition that can be found throughout stages. Firearms range from fictional versions of pistols, submachine guns, shotguns and rocket launchers. These also include secondary firing modes that allow players to alternate between different modes and rates of fire. Non-firearm weapons include crossbows that can fire both bolts and sticky grenades that can be detonated at will. In addition to firearms, Wang’s signature weapon is the katana that while is for use in close quarters combat, it is also very effective against enemies. Different swings and strikes can be utilized depending on different computer key and mouse movement combinations, creating unique moves of varying effectiveness depending on the enemy type, with the ability slice up enemies into multiple pieces. For example a well-timed decapitation can instantly take down a foe or a large swing can strike multiple opponents at once. When using the katana, throwing shurikens can also be used as a secondary backup weapon. The katana can also be used as a quick strike when using firearms in closer quarters.
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