8 Progressive Edward Bernays & Making Money by Manipulating the Subconscious_small

  • 10 years ago
8 Progressive Edward Bernays & Making Money by Manipulating the Subconscious_small Before Bernays, the Consensus of the business community that consumers would decided to buy product based on rational facts. Progressive Edward Bernays told them no, irrational propaganda exploiting the emotions and base instinct of the individuals would be more effective in manipulating the masses. Progressive Edward Bernays got women to buy cigarettes by calling them "Torches of Freedom" while, for a small fee, an eminent psychoanalyst pronounced that women suffered from penis envy and that cigarettes were an empowering phallic substitute for women.(Sigmund Freud would later remark, "Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar") And after a staged event where women lit up dramatically in the streets of New York, USA; women began smoking. Progressive Edward Bernays propaganda techniques were then adopted by government. Asserting that the emotions and instincts of the masses were dangerous and, therefore must be managed and manipulated. The masses are no longer engaged in thoughtful Democrat Process, but now managed like livestock to serve the purposes of government and corporations.