[Download eBook] Creative Essence: Creatures by Ballistic [PDF]

  • 10 years ago
Link: http://justamazinglife.com/creative-essence-creatures-by-ballistic-pdf/

Creative Essence: Creatures by Ballistic

Publisher: Ballistic Publishing (December 10, 2013)

Creative Essence: Creatures features private work from some of the best creature concept artists in the VFX world today including Andrew Baker, James Van Der Bogart, Jacob Earl, Josh Herman, Ian Joyner, Aris Kolokontis, Ben Mauro, Martin Rezard, Simion Webber, and Bryan Wynia. Never-before-seen artwork from napkin doodles to dynamic concept paintings and exploratory maquettes, through to 3D modeling and rendering are all vividly displayed. This book reveals the essence of the creative processes and offers readers a map of some of the most incredible creative minds in the digital art world to hold, study, and enjoy.

We challenged a band of artists from world-leading studios such as Sony Santa Monica and Weta Digital with a simple statement, like “hunter, hunted” or “predator, prey,” and stood back to see what amazing directions the best minds in the digital world would go. What kind of predator? What kind of prey? Do they lope, slither, or plod? Fur or armor? Stealth or strength? Do they use weapons or their own natural armory? Desert, jungIe, or ocean? Prehistoric, middle-aged, or futuristic? The results are as fascinating as they are varied.
