FBI assists Indonesian police in probe of American woman's death

  • 10 years ago
The FBI is now helping Bali police in the case of a Chicago woman found dead inside a blood-streaked suitcase..

The woman's daughter and the daughter's boyfriend have been held as suspects since last week.

Nineteen-year-old American Heather Mack and 21-year-old Tommy Schaefer were arrested -- but have not been charged -- in the death of 62-year-old Sheila von-Wiese-Mack.

An autopsy revealed she had been repeatedly hit on the face and the head with a blunt object.

The couple's Indonesian attorney says they've hired a U.S. lawyer.


"The suspects are not cooperative at all and they remain quiet. I hope they can tell their U.S. lawyer what happened and that the U.S. consulate general in Bali can explain to them how the Indonesian system works."

Mack was seen here being examined by doctors. She's reportedly pregnant.

In contrast to most legal systems in the West, no formal charge
