Attn prime minister Jose of Uruguay, "god has a personal message for you, "your faith is strong"

  • 10 years ago
"prime minister Jose of Uruguay, "you trust me earths mashiach avatar maitreya moreh-tzedek mahdi messiah, and god my father alpha and omega the supreme being. "you gave god my father equal rights to his beautiful homosexuals children (not special rights).
don't worry about 15 elul 5774 of eradication of all wickedness, your sins of Uruguay is all forgiven, and DOUBLE protection and mercy from god my father, holy quran surah 58 number 28. "you prime minister Jose SAVED all the children in Uruguay from mass extermination of yom ha-kippurim, NIV BIBLE REVELATION 21 : 7-8 ( 2nd death ). "your a hero".
also, don't worry about being poor, im jeshu, god my father never gives me money, diamonds, gold, jade, or huge homes. "God my father only gives me the bare minimum of life to just live. "The atzilus heavens is beyond beautiful, after on 15 elul 5774, I will teach you more.
Love you, king jeshu Mahdi messiah mashiach avatar maitreya also known as moreh-tzedek.
