Senator Opposes Cruel Monkey Breeding Lab in Hendry, Florida

  • 10 years ago
In Hendry County, Florida there's a plan to open a new facility to breed thousands of monkeys for laboratory experiments. Critics have a variety of questions, like where those monkeys would come from.
Florida state senator Dwight Bullard, whose district includes Hendry County and who is a member of the Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation, expressed his concerns to Jane in an on camera interview, asking "We're talking about 3,000 primates. If 2 or 3 of them get loose, what does that mean?" Animal Defenders International filmed video of monkeys being abused in a facility on the island of Mauritius, off the coast of Africa. 
"Primera and Hendry County need to put a pause on the establishment of this facility”
· “Some of those agencies didn’t know that this was even happening”
· Senator wants to hold a hearing with company, agencies, public
State senator demands pause on monkey project.

