Building My Team-Looking for 5 Serious People

  • 10 years ago
Building My Team

I’m building my team in my MLM business, I want to talk about recruiting people into your downline and how to do it. Not so much how to do it but maybe what not to do.

I see most of the network marketing company rely more heavily on building your downline, building a team, recruit people, get people into the business than they do on making sales and building relationships.

And sometimes this kind of goes back to the Amway mindset – get people in, get people in, make money, make money.

I’m looking at it in a different way. And this is how I’m promoting my business and this is how I’m going to start recruiting people for my team. Instead of joining co-ops and doing lead generation and all that kind of stuff that’s kind of like, let’s throw a bunch of crap on the wall and see what sticks, I’m going to take my time and really target the people that I want to work with.

This may be a slower approach but I don’t need to compete with being the top person on the recruiting board. I don’t need to be the top sponsor. ‘Oh look, I sponsored 1,000 people in a day!’ Yeah. I’m happy for you.

Building My Team